Getting Started with

Getting Started with Your Guide to Effortless Email Marketing

Introduction offers a refreshingly simple approach to email marketing, making it perfect for both beginners and experienced users. This guide will walk you through the signup process, setting up your account, and creating your first email campaign.

Signing Up and Setting Up Your Account:

  1. Free Trial: Head over to their website and click on “Join Our Service For Free.” Sender offers a generous free plan with 15,000 emails per month, allowing you to test the platform before committing.
    2. Registration: Enter your company name, email address, password, and website. Fill in your personal details including name, address, city, country, and select your preferred time zone.
    3. Verification: Check your email for a confirmation message and click the link to verify your account.

Dashboard Tour:

Once logged in, you’ll be greeted by your dashboard. A helpful walkthrough will appear initially, guiding you through key features. Here’s a breakdown of what you’ll find:

  1. Subscribers: This section allows you to build your email list by adding contacts manually, importing them from a CSV file, or using built-in integrations with popular platforms like Mailchimp and GetResponse. You can further organize your subscribers into groups and segments for targeted campaigns.
    2. Campaigns: Here’s where you create and manage your email marketing efforts. You can choose from pre-designed templates or build your own, personalize content with subscriber data, and schedule your campaigns for optimal delivery.
    3. Automations: Sender offers automated email workflows like welcome sequences and abandoned cart reminders, helping you nurture leads and boost conversions.
    4. Reports: Track the performance of your campaigns with detailed analytics on opens, clicks, bounces, and unsubscribes. Analyze these reports to refine your strategy and improve campaign effectiveness.
    5. Settings: This section provides various options to manage your account settings, including email verification, API access, and integrations with other tools.

Creating Your First Email Campaign:

1. Create a List: Start by building your subscriber list. You can manually add contacts, import them from a file, or use Sender’s integration tools.
2. Design Your Email: Sender offers a drag-and-drop editor with pre-designed templates or a blank canvas if you prefer building from scratch. Focus on a clear message, attractive visuals, and a strong call to action.
3. Personalize with Data: Integrate dynamic content to personalize your emails with subscriber information like names or purchase history. This increases engagement and improves conversion rates.
4. Preview & Test: Before sending, preview your email on different devices to ensure it displays correctly. Sender also allows you to send test emails to yourself or specific addresses to check functionality.
5. Schedule or Send: Schedule your email campaign for optimal delivery based on your audience and campaign goals. Alternatively, send your email immediately if you prefer.
6. Track & Analyze: Monitor your campaign performance using the detailed reports provided by Sender. Analyze metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and unsubscribes to identify areas for improvement.

Additional Tips for Success:

1. Domain Verification: Sender recommends verifying your domain to improve email deliverability and build sender reputation.
2. Compliance with Regulations: Familiarize yourself with anti-spam laws like CAN-SPAM. Sender provides resources and best practices to help ensure compliance.
3. Content is King: Focus on creating valuable and engaging content for your subscribers.
Segmentation & Targeting: Segment your audience based on interests, demographics, or behavior to send targeted email campaigns with personalized content.
4. A/B Testing: Experiment with different subject lines, call-to-actions, and layouts using A/B testing to optimize your email performance.


By following these steps and leveraging Sender’s user-friendly features, you can launch effective email marketing campaigns and connect with your audience in a meaningful way. Sender’s free plan allows you to try the platform with no risk. So, sign up today and start your email marketing journey with!
