Power Up Your Customer Engagement with Rejoiner: A Getting Started Guide

Power Up Your Customer Engagement with Rejoiner: A Getting Started Guide

Introduction to Rejoiner

Rejoiner serves as a dynamic marketing solution, engineered to elevate customer engagement strategies in today’s digital realm. In a landscape where retaining existing customers is just as crucial as acquiring new ones, Rejoiner emerges as a pivotal tool. It’s designed to analyze customer behaviors comprehensively, enabling businesses to deploy precisely targeted campaigns. These campaigns, in turn, deliver personalized experiences to website visitors, fostering stronger bonds of loyalty to the brand.

Connecting Rejoiner to Your Website

Platform Connectors

Rejoiner simplifies the integration process by offering pre-built connectors for popular eCommerce platforms like Shopify or Magento. These connectors facilitate a seamless connection between the website and Rejoiner, typically requiring just a few clicks to install. This approach streamlines the integration process, allowing businesses to swiftly harness the power of Rejoiner without extensive technical expertise.

Google Tag Manager

For those already utilizing Google Tag Manager (GTM), integrating Rejoiner becomes even more effortless. By deploying the Rejoiner Javascript library through GTM, businesses can leverage the enhanced eCommerce features seamlessly. This method not only ensures a smooth integration but also provides access to advanced tracking and analytics capabilities offered by GTM.

Custom Javascript

For users seeking greater control over the integration process, Rejoiner offers the option of implementing its Javascript library directly onto the website. This approach grants businesses the flexibility to utilize their internal data layers to transmit customer information effectively. While it may require a bit more technical know-how, custom Javascript integration offers unparalleled control and customization options.

Essential Tracking for Powerful Campaigns

Once the integration is complete, the next vital step is tracking customer behavior data. Rejoiner equips businesses with robust tracking functionalities to monitor various actions performed by visitors on the website. From page views to product interactions and cart activities, businesses gain valuable insights into customer behavior. These insights serve as the foundation for crafting targeted marketing campaigns that resonate with the audience’s preferences and interests.

Exploring Rejoiner's Features

Automated Email Campaigns

One of Rejoiner’s standout features is its ability to automate email campaigns based on specific customer behaviors. Businesses can design personalized email sequences triggered by actions such as abandoned carts or product browsing. By delivering timely and relevant messages to customers, automated email campaigns significantly enhance engagement and conversion rates.

Win-Back Campaigns

Rejoiner empowers businesses to re-engage inactive subscribers through win-back campaigns. By offering targeted incentives and offers, businesses can reignite the interest of dormant subscribers and encourage them to return to the website. This proactive approach to customer re-engagement helps businesses maximize the lifetime value of their customer base.


Segmentation plays a crucial role in Rejoiner’s capabilities, allowing businesses to group their audience based on various criteria such as demographics, purchase history, or website behavior. By segmenting the audience, businesses can tailor their marketing efforts to address the specific needs and preferences of different customer segments. This targeted approach enhances the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and drives higher engagement and conversion rates.

Getting Started Resources

Rejoiner recognizes the importance of providing comprehensive resources to support users in their journey. Their official documentation serves as a valuable resource, offering step-by-step guides and code snippets to navigate the setup process seamlessly. Whether users are integrating Rejoiner for the first time or exploring advanced features, the documentation provides the necessary guidance to ensure a smooth and successful implementation.


In conclusion, Rejoiner emerges as a powerful ally for businesses seeking to elevate their customer engagement strategies. By seamlessly integrating Rejoiner with their website and leveraging its advanced features, businesses can create personalized marketing campaigns that resonate with their audience. From automated email sequences to targeted win-back campaigns, Rejoiner empowers businesses to nurture lasting customer relationships and drive sustained growth.

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