Limitless: Mailwizz – Open-Source Email Marketing with Endless Possibilities


Mailwizz is your self-hosted email marketing solution, giving you full control and powerful features while being easy on your wallet. Craft personalized emails, automate campaigns, and track results, all while owning your data and avoiding platform lock-in. It’s email marketing, your way.

Key Features

Self-Hosted Control: Unlike most email marketing platforms, MailWizz runs on your own server, giving you complete ownership of data, flexibility, and security. You avoid vendor lock-in and have full control over customization and integrations.

Powerful Automation

MailWizz offers robust automation capabilities to streamline your marketing workflows. Schedule emails, trigger campaigns based on user actions, and automate repetitive tasks like segmentation and follow-up sequences.

Advanced Personalization

Leverage AI-powered tools to deliver personalized experiences for your subscribers. Segment your audience based on demographics, behavior, and preferences, and tailor content, offers, and recommendations accordingly.

Drag-and-Drop Design

Easily create stunning email campaigns without coding. Choose from pre-built templates or use the intuitive drag-and-drop builder to customize layouts, insert images and videos, and personalize content.

Detailed Analytics

Gain valuable insights into your email marketing performance with comprehensive analytics reports. Track key metrics like open rates, click-through rates, conversions, and subscriber engagement to optimize your campaigns and improve results.

Bonus Feature

Cost-Effectiveness. Unlike subscription-based platforms, MailWizz requires a one-time purchase, eliminating recurring fees and limitations on emails or subscribers. This makes it a budget-friendly choice for businesses of all sizes.

Beyond these top 5 features, MailWizz offers a wealth of additional capabilities, including:

Unlimited email sending & subscribers (based on server capacity)

Custom landing page builder

A/B testing & split campaigns

Advanced form builder & lead capture

Powerful API for integrations with other tools

Extensive documentation & community support

Overall, MailWizz empowers you to take control of your email marketing with flexible self-hosting, powerful automation, personalization, and detailed analytics, making it a compelling choice for businesses seeking control and growth.

Regular License


Suitable for personal use

Extended License


Suitable for business use

Top 10 Alternatives for MailWizz


Powerful automation workflows, CRM functionalities, and advanced reporting. 

Why consider: Excellent for scaling businesses seeking comprehensive marketing automation. 


Strong email marketing with advanced segmentation and analytics, particularly for e-commerce. 

Why consider: Great for data-driven email marketing and personalized campaigns. Unique feature: Predictive analytics for anticipating customer behavior and offering relevant products.


Omnichannel platform covering email, SMS, and push notifications. 

Why consider: Ideal for reaching customers across multiple channels. 

Unique feature: Seamless integrations with various e-commerce platforms and marketplaces.


Popular email marketing solution known for its user-friendly interface and free plan. 

Why consider: Easy to use, good for starting businesses and simple campaigns. 

Unique feature: Wide range of email templates and drag-and-drop design tools.


Email marketing platform designed specifically for creators and bloggers. 

Why consider: Focuses on lead generation and building email lists for content creators. Unique feature: Landing page builder and automation sequences for lead capture and nurturing.


Visual marketing automation builder for creating custom workflows based on customer behavior. 

Why consider: Powerful customization options for automated campaigns. 

Unique feature: Advanced automation capabilities and integrations with various third-party tools.


AI-powered marketing automation with a focus on personalization and customer experience. 

Why consider: Leverages AI for dynamic content and highly personalized recommendations. 

Unique feature: Predictive analytics and recommendations for personalized product offers and promotions.


Omnichannel personalization platform with dynamic content and product recommendations. 

Why consider: Real-time personalization based on individual customer behavior and preferences. 

Unique feature: A/B testing and optimization tools for personalized content and offers.


Post-purchase upsell and cross-sell tool for e-commerce stores. 

Why consider: Increase average order value with one-click upsells and order bump offers. 

Unique feature: AI-powered product recommendations for personalized upsells and cross-sells.


Lead generation platform with a variety of opt-in form types and pop-ups. 

Why consider: Capture leads and grow your email list effectively. 

Unique feature: Advanced targeting options and A/B testing for optimizing conversion rates.

Compare MailWizz with Similar Products


  • MailWizz: Open-source software with a self-hosted licensing model, requiring installation and maintenance on your server. Paid support plans are available for additional features and assistance.
  • MailerLite: Provides a free tier with limited features and paid plans starting at a relatively low cost, with limitations on monthly email volume and subscriber storage.
  • ActiveCampaign: Offers a free trial and paid plans starting at a higher cost point than MailWizz and MailerLite, with a broader range of marketing automation features.


  • MailWizz: Offers greater flexibility and customization compared to hosted platforms but requires technical expertise for installation, maintenance, and security updates.
  • MailerLite: User-friendly interface with drag-and-drop functionalities, making it easy to create and launch email campaigns without technical knowledge.
  • ActiveCampaign: Streamlines email marketing with automation workflows, lead scoring, and advanced features, but the platform might have a steeper learning curve.

Pros and Cons:



  • Open-source and self-hosted, offering greater control and customization.
  • Potentially cost-effective, especially for businesses with technical expertise.
  • Wide range of features, including email marketing, automation, and landing pages.


  • Requires technical knowledge for installation, maintenance, and security updates.
  • Limited customer support compared to hosted platforms.
  • Might not be suitable for businesses without technical resources.


Choosing the best email marketing platform depends on your specific needs and technical capabilities. Consider the following factors:

  • Technical expertise: MailWizz is ideal for users comfortable with self-hosted solutions and managing technical aspects.
  • Budgetary constraints: MailWizz can be cost-effective if you have technical resources, while MailerLite offers a free plan and affordable paid options.
  • Need for advanced features: If you require advanced marketing automation or prefer a user-friendly hosted platform, explore options like ActiveCampaign or MailerLite.

Setup and Installation


Here's what community has to say about MailWizz.

How Fast and Versatile Is Technical Support Across Email, Chat, and Phone?

Response Time:

  • Generally positive: Most users report receiving responses within a reasonable timeframe, typically within 24 hours.
  • Priority for higher tiers: Mailwizz prioritizes support for Enterprise and Extended License users, often offering faster response times.
  • Occasional delays: Some users have experienced longer wait times during peak periods or for more complex issues.

Availability of Support Channels:

  • Primary channels: Email and ticket support via their website.
  • No live chat or phone support: These options are not currently available.
  • Extensive knowledge base: Mailwizz offers a comprehensive knowledge base with articles, tutorials, and FAQs to address common questions and troubleshooting.
  • Active community forums: Users can seek help and share solutions through Mailwizz’s community forums.

Common User Feedback:

  • Knowledgeable and helpful: Support staff are generally regarded as knowledgeable and willing to assist with various issues.
  • Clear and concise responses: Solutions are often communicated clearly and effectively.
  • Patience may be needed for non-urgent issues: Response times can vary, so patience may be required for less urgent inquiries.

Recommendations for Users:

  • Utilize knowledge base: Check the knowledge base and community forums first for answers to common questions or technical issues.
  • Provide detailed information in tickets: Be as thorough as possible when submitting support tickets to ensure efficient troubleshooting.
  • Consider time zone differences: Mailwizz is based in Romania, so factor in potential time zone differences when expecting responses.
  • Upgrade for priority support: If timely support is crucial for your business, consider upgrading to a higher-tier plan for priority assistance.

How User-Friendly Is the Installation and Application Process?

MailWizz is known for being a user-friendly email marketing platform, but installation can involve some technical steps. Here’s a breakdown:

User-Friendly Aspects:

  • Interface: MailWizz boasts a clean and intuitive interface that makes navigating features and functionalities straightforward.
  • Campaign Management: Creating and managing email campaigns is streamlined, allowing you to easily design, segment your audience, and track results.
  • Subscriber Management: Adding, organizing, and managing your subscriber lists is user-friendly.

Installation and Application:

While MailWizz is user-friendly once installed, the installation process itself can be technical, especially for those unfamiliar with server environments. Here’s a general overview:

  1. Server Preparation: Ensure your web server meets MailWizz’s system requirements (found in their documentation). This might involve installing software like PHP and MySQL.
  2. Installation: You can typically install MailWizz through a script or manually uploading files.
  3. Configuration: After installation, there’s a configuration process to set up MailWizz with your email server and preferences.

Additional Tips:

  • Consider your technical expertise. If you’re not comfortable with server environments, enlisting a web developer or IT professional for installation can be helpful.
  • MailWizz offers a free open-source version and paid versions with additional features. Choose the version that suits your needs.

By leveraging MailWizz’s user-friendly interface and the available resources, you can get up and running with email marketing campaigns relatively smoothly.

How Well Do These Tools Integrate with Your Existing CRM, Analytics, and Software Solutions?

Here’s a general overview of Mailwizz’s integration capabilities:

Integration Options:

  • Direct Integrations: Native connections with popular platforms like WordPress, WooCommerce, Magento, Shopify, and more.
  • API Access: Open API for custom integrations with virtually any software solution, including CRMs, analytics tools, lead generation platforms, and more.
  • Zapier: Connects Mailwizz with over 4000 apps using Zapier’s automation platform.

Key Integration Features:

  • Syncing contact lists: Keep contact data consistent across multiple platforms.
  • Sending targeted emails: Trigger email campaigns based on actions in other systems (e.g., new leads in CRM, abandoned carts in e-commerce).
  • Tracking email performance: View email metrics within your CRM or analytics tools.
  • Personalizing emails: Use data from other systems to create personalized email content.

Factors Affecting Seamless Integration:

  • Integration complexity: Native integrations are often smoother than those requiring API development.
  • Data compatibility: Ensure data formats match between Mailwizz and other systems.
  • Technical expertise: API integrations may require developer assistance.
  • Thorough testing: Test integrations rigorously to identify and address issues.

User Feedback:

  • Generally positive: Users often praise Mailwizz’s integration capabilities, especially for common platforms and CRMs.
  • Some challenges: Occasional hiccups reported, particularly with more complex integrations.


  • Prioritize native integrations: Opt for platforms with built-in Mailwizz integrations for smoother setup.
  • Seek developer assistance: If API integrations are necessary, consult a developer for guidance.
  • Start simple: Begin with basic integrations and gradually add complexity as needed.
  • Document processes: Create clear documentation for future reference and troubleshooting.

Overall, Mailwizz offers strong integration capabilities, but success depends on factors like integration complexity, data compatibility, technical expertise, and thorough testing.

MailWizz is a robust email marketing software that puts you in control of your campaigns. It offers a plethora of features like advanced subscriber segmentation, customizable templates, and detailed campaign analytics, ensuring that your emails are not just sent but also received and acted upon effectively. With MailWizz, you can personalize every aspect of your email marketing strategy and drive engagement like never before. Join the thousands of businesses already benefiting from MailWizz and take your email marketing to the next level. Sign up today and start crafting impactful campaigns that resonate with your audience and boost your business growth!

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