Gold Lasso Examined: Your Comprehensive Platform for Streamlined Email Marketing Success with Profitable Targeting and Dynamic Automation


Gold Lasso is a multi-channel marketing platform facilitating business-customer interactions through email, mobile, and web marketing channels. Its features include email marketing capabilities to create and send campaigns, track opens and clicks, and manage subscriber lists. Additionally, it supports mobile marketing through SMS and push notifications, mobile landing pages, and tracking mobile engagement. The platform extends to web marketing with tools to create and manage website popups and banners, track website traffic, and convert visitors into leads. Gold Lasso boasts user-friendliness with an intuitive interface, templates, and tutorials catering to both marketing experts and novices. Notably, it offers a unique email monetization feature, allowing users to earn revenue by displaying native advertising within their email lists. This feature presents an opportunity to offset email marketing costs. With affordability and scalability, Gold Lasso caters to businesses of all sizes, enabling growth in marketing efforts alongside business expansion.

Key Features

Ultimately, the most valuable features for you will depend on your specific needs and marketing goals. However, these top 5 key features highlight Gold Lasso’s unique blend of user-friendliness, email monetization, and multi-channel capabilities, making it a compelling option for many businesses.

Revenue Sharing Model

Instead of traditional monthly fees, Gold Lasso operates on a 20/80 revenue share, where you only pay when you earn from native advertising in your emails. This can be highly cost-effective, especially for businesses with engaged audiences.

Drag-and-Drop Email Builder

The user-friendly builder allows you to create visually appealing and responsive emails without needing coding knowledge. This empowers non-technical users to craft professional email campaigns.

Advanced Email Automation

Go beyond basic scheduling with automated workflows triggered by specific subscriber actions or data points. This personalizes engagement and saves time in campaign management.

Multi-Channel Marketing

While email is the core, Gold Lasso also offers mobile marketing (SMS, push notifications) and web marketing (pop-ups, banners) features. This lets you reach customers across various touchpoints for a more comprehensive strategy.

Deep Analytics and Reporting

Track campaign performance, engagement metrics, and revenue generated from native advertising. These insights can inform optimization and maximize your email marketing ROI.

Easy-to-Use Interface: Even beginners can quickly grasp the platform’s intuitive and streamlined user experience.
Customizable Landing Pages: Build landing pages directly within Gold Lasso for seamless integration with your email campaigns.
A/B Testing: Optimize your campaigns by testing different versions of emails, subject lines, and landing pages.
Segmentation and Targeting: Tailor your messages to specific audience segments for increased relevance and engagement.

Gold Lasso offers a unique pricing structure compared to traditional marketing software. Instead of fixed monthly or annual fees, they focus on revenue sharing, meaning you only pay when you earn from your email campaigns. This makes it a potentially cost-effective option for businesses, especially those just starting out or with smaller email lists.


Top 10 Alternatives for Gold Lasso

HubSpot Marketing

Unique Feature: Conversational marketing tools and powerful CRM integration for personalized customer journeys.

Why Consider: Ideal for scaling businesses, offers all-in-one marketing suite with automation and advanced analytics.


Unique Feature: Marketing automation tailored for B2B, with lead nurturing and scoring tools to optimize sales pipelines.

Why Consider: Excellent for lead generation and qualification, seamlessly integrates with Salesforce CRM.

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SE Ranking

Unique Feature: AI-powered SEO and competitor analysis with on-page optimization suggestions and keyword grouping.

Why Consider: Ideal for SEO-focused businesses, provides actionable insights and simplifies keyword research.

Constant Contact

Unique Feature: Easy-to-use email marketing platform with drag-and-drop builder, social media integration, and email list management tools.

Why Consider: Affordable option for beginners, offers reliable email deliverability and basic marketing automation.


Salesforce Marketing Cloud Engagement

Unique Feature: Powerful email marketing, journey builder, and personalization tools within Salesforce ecosystem.

Why Consider: Ideal for large enterprises with existing Salesforce investment, offers deep data integration and advanced campaign capabilities.

Campaign Monitor by Marigold

Unique Feature: Beautiful email templates, powerful segmentation options, and real-time reporting for actionable insights.

Why Consider: Focuses on email design and deliverability, provides A/B testing and personalization tools.

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Unique Feature: Mobile-friendly email builder, landing page creation, and automation tools for multi-channel engagement.

Why Consider: Offers reliable email deliverability and strong lead nurturing features, suitable for mid-sized businesses.


Unique Feature: Budget-friendly option with autoresponders, email list segmentation, and landing page creation tools.

Why Consider: Simple and affordable for basic email marketing needs, offers drag-and-drop email builder and basic automation.


Unique Feature: Native advertising platform integrated with email marketing, allowing monetization through sponsored content.

Why Consider: Monetize your email list while offering relevant content to subscribers, requires existing email platform integration.


Unique Feature: AI-powered email copywriting assistant that generates personalized subject lines and email content.

Why Consider: Improve email engagement with AI-powered

Compare Gold Lasso with Similar Products


Gold Lasso: Pricing Punch: Pay only 20% of the ad revenue you generate from your emails. No fixed fees, just pure pay-what-you-earn magic. Ideal for monetization masters with smaller lists.
Efficiency Elixir: Drag-and-drop builder and AI assistance make crafting campaigns swift and simple, even for marketing newbies. Efficiency at its most user-friendly.

iContact: Pricing Fortress: Predictable monthly or annual plans based on your email list size. Offers clear budgeting, but can be hefty for small lists or non-monetized campaigns.

Pardot: Has a more complex pricing model based on features and user tiers. The Core edition starts at $1,000 per month, while the Advanced and Plus editions can cost significantly more.


Gold Lasso: Gold Lasso’s intuitive interface and AI conquer the ease-of-use round. Ideal for beginners and those who value speed and convenience.
Monetization Masters: Gold Lasso’s revenue sharing model reigns supreme for cost-effectiveness if you can effectively monetize your emails. It’s the budget-friendly champion for startups and solopreneurs.

iContact: iContact’s arsenal of advanced tools and functionalities dominates when complex campaigns and large lists call the shots. It’s the feature-rich powerhouse for ambitious email marketers.

Pardot: Ideal for larger businesses with complex marketing campaigns and a need for advanced automation, reporting, and integrations.

Setup and Installation

Gold Lasso Setup in a Flash:

Sign Up: Head to and click “Get Started.” Enter your details and choose a plan (free trial available!).
Connect Your List: Import your existing email list from a CSV file or sync it with a CRM if you have one.
Craft Your First Campaign: Drag-and-drop email elements, choose a template, and personalize with AI suggestions.
Monetize (Optional): Set up native ads within your email for automatic revenue sharing.
Launch and Analyze: Send your campaign and track performance like opens, clicks, and conversions in the built-in analytics.


Here's what community has to say about Gold Lasso.

How Fast and Versatile Is Technical Support Across Email, Chat, and Phone?

While Gold Lasso has been steadily growing in popularity, its user base is still smaller compared to established platforms like iContact. As a result, finding comprehensive user evaluations of its technical support can be a bit challenging. However, based on the information available, here’s a summary of what we can gather:

Response Time:

  • User feedback seems mixed on response times. Some users report receiving prompt replies within hours, while others mention waiting overnight or longer. This could be due to varying factors like support team availability, individual case complexity, and communication time zone differences.
  • Gold Lasso emphasizes prioritizing urgent issues, which might lead to longer wait times for non-critical inquiries.


Availability of Support Channels:

  • Gold Lasso offers three main support channels: email, chat, and phone.
  • Email seems to be the most readily available option with reports of receiving responses within several hours.
  • Chat availability appears limited, often only during business hours.
  • Phone support is offered but seems to be reserved for higher-tier plans or specific situations.


  • User feedback suggests Gold Lasso’s technical support is helpful and friendly, even if response times can be inconsistent.
  • Relying on email appears to be the most reliable approach for consistent support.
  • Consider utilizing community forums or online resources for quick solutions to common issues while waiting for official support responses.

Here are some additional tips for seeking Gold Lasso technical support:

  • Clearly and concisely explain your issue in your initial communication.
  • Provide screenshots or detailed steps to replicate the problem, if possible.
  • Mention your account information or subscription tier for faster identification.
  • Be patient and understand that response times may vary depending on factors beyond their control.

Remember, Gold Lasso is still evolving its platform and support infrastructure. Keep an eye out for their website and social media updates for announcements regarding improvements or expanded support channels.

How User-Friendly Is the Installation and Application Process?

Gold Lasso promises user-friendliness for email marketing, but how does it measure up in reality? Let’s dive into user reviews and explore its ease of use, focusing on installation, usage, and application scenarios.


  • Thumbs up for easy: Many users report a streamlined installation process, often completed within minutes with clear instructions and intuitive prompts.
  • Minor bumps in the road: Some encounters with technical hiccups during installation have been reported, but seem resolvable with support or forum guidance.


  • Drag-and-drop delight: Users consistently laud the drag-and-drop builder as a breeze to use, even for email marketing novices.
  • AI assistance applause: The AI-powered features like subject line suggestions and content recommendations find favor for generating creative and effective emails.
  • Learning curve whispers: While generally considered user-friendly, some reviews mention a slight learning curve for navigating advanced features or automation settings.

Application Scenarios:

  • Solopreneur success: Gold Lasso shines for solopreneurs and small businesses with its intuitive interface and focus on monetization through native advertising.
  • Content creator companion: Bloggers and content creators appreciate the ease of crafting email newsletters and promoting their work.
  • Ecommerce edge: Some small online stores find success with Gold Lasso for targeted email campaigns and customer engagement.

Overall, user reviews paint a positive picture of Gold Lasso’s ease of use. The drag-and-drop builder, AI assistance, and clear interface simplify email creation and campaign management. However, a slight learning curve might exist for advanced features, and occasional technical hiccups during installation are reported.

Here are some additional tips for maximizing your Gold Lasso experience:


  • Take advantage of the free trial: Get hands-on experience and see if the interface clicks with you before committing.
  • Utilize the extensive help center and tutorials: Gold Lasso offers a wealth of resources to guide you through every step.
  • Join the community forum: Connect with other users and find answers to your questions.
  • Remember, email marketing success thrives on consistent engagement and experimentation. Embrace the ease of use Gold Lasso offers to craft captivating campaigns and connect with your audience in a meaningful way.

How Well Do These Tools Integrate with Your Existing CRM, Analytics, and Software Solutions?

While Gold Lasso boasts numerous features for email marketing, its integration capabilities with existing CRM, analytics, and other software solutions are still a developing area. Here’s a breakdown of what we know:

CRM Integrations:

  • Native integrations: Gold Lasso offers direct integrations with a limited number of CRMs, including Keap and Infusionsoft.
  • API Access: Developers can use Gold Lasso’s API to build custom integrations with other CRM platforms, but this requires technical expertise.

Analytics Integrations:

  • Gold Lasso provides built-in analytics for campaign performance, email opens, clicks, and conversions.
  • It also offers limited integrations with some third-party analytics platforms like Google Analytics and Facebook Custom Audiences, allowing you to export campaign data for further analysis.

Other Software Solutions:

  • Gold Lasso integrates with popular payment gateways like Stripe and PayPal for payment processing within email campaigns.
  • It also offers basic integrations with landing page builders like Unbounce and Leadpages for creating landing pages linked to your email campaigns.

Here’s a summary of the overall picture:

  • Gold Lasso’s native integrations are currently limited, particularly with CRM platforms.
  • API access provides potential for wider integration, but requires developer skills.
  • Third-party analytics integrations offer some options, but may not be as seamless as with established platforms.
  • Integrations with other software solutions cater mainly to payment processing and landing page creation.


  • If seamless integration with specific CRM, analytics, or other software solutions is crucial for your workflow, thoroughly research Gold Lasso’s compatibility with your existing tools before committing.
  • Consider using Zapier or similar integration platforms that act as intermediaries if native integrations are unavailable.
  • Keep an eye on Gold Lasso’s website and updates for announcements regarding new integrations or improvements in existing ones.

The allure of Gold Lasso is undeniable, weaving a tapestry of innovation and efficiency in the digital landscape. As we navigate the vast expanse of technological possibilities, let us grasp the golden opportunity that Gold Lasso presents. Embrace the power of this digital lasso to effortlessly corral your marketing challenges, elevate engagement, and secure success. It’s time to break free from conventional constraints and embark on a journey where your brand’s potential knows no bounds. Seize the golden thread of Gold Lasso today and redefine your digital narrative. The future awaits—lasso it with gold and lead the way to unparalleled prosperity!

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