Data Axle Inboxable


Data Axle Inboxable is a comprehensive service and toolset meticulously crafted to enhance the deliverability of your email marketing endeavors. Its primary objective is to ensure that your emails successfully land in the intended recipients’ inboxes, steering clear of spam folders or potential blocks. The tool boasts an array of features, including real-time monitoring of crucial metrics such as inboxing rates, spam complaints, bounce rates, and blocklisting status. It goes beyond mere observation with proactive insights, promptly alerting you to potential deliverability challenges and offering strategic recommendations for mitigation. The platform also excels in domain and IP reputation management, vigilantly overseeing your sending reputation to uphold favorable standing with major ISPs. What sets Inboxable apart is its ability to formulate customizable strategies, tailoring plans to optimize your sending practices for maximum inbox placement. To further elevate user experience, the service provides access to dedicated deliverability analysts for expert guidance and troubleshooting. The benefits are substantial, resulting in increased email opens and clicks, heightened campaign performance, and a diminished risk of being filtered as spam. Inboxable not only ensures optimal email deliverability but also instills peace of mind by offering valuable insights and support, allowing you to navigate the intricacies of email marketing with confidence and achieve positive outcomes for your marketing efforts.

Pricing Details







Set up and Installation

Here’s a general guide to setting up Data Axle Inboxable:

  1. Contact Data Axle:
  • Reach out to Data Axle’s sales team to discuss your specific needs and get a customized quote.
  • They’ll help you choose the right plan and provide guidance on getting started.
  1. Choose Your Plan:
  • Select the plan that best suits your email volume, budget, and desired level of support.
  • Options range from self-service tools to fully managed deliverability services.
  1. Create an Account:
  • Once you’ve chosen your plan, you’ll be provided with a link to create an account on the Inboxable platform.
  • Fill out the required information, including your contact details and billing information.
  1. Connect Your Sending Domain:
  • Verify ownership of your sending domain by adding a DNS record provided by Data Axle.
  • This allows Inboxable to track your email sends and deliverability metrics accurately.
  1. Add Your Email List (Optional):
  • If you want to use Inboxable’s segmentation and engagement tracking features, you can upload your email list.
  • Exercise caution with sensitive data and ensure compliance with privacy regulations.
  1. Set Up Monitoring and Alerts:
  • Configure Inboxable to monitor the key metrics you care about, such as inboxing rates, spam placement, blocklistings, and engagement.
  • Set up alerts to be notified of any potential issues or changes in deliverability.
  1. Integrate with Your ESP (Optional):
  • If you use an email service provider (ESP), you may be able to integrate Inboxable with your ESP for seamless data sharing and reporting.
  • Check with Data Axle for specific integration options.
  1. Get Started with Deliverability Optimization:
  • Once everything is set up, you can start using Inboxable’s tools and resources to optimize your email deliverability.
  • Access expert guidance, educational resources, and actionable insights to improve your email performance.
